Follow these steps to see ‘All Activity / My Activity‘ by clicking on the Activity option.
1.Click on Activity, then you can see three options (All Activity, My Activity, and Activity Tag) under Activity, which has been created from the dealer page.
2.Click on the All Activity option if you want to see all activities, or you can click on the My Activity option if you want to see only My Activities.
3.Here, you can see Document Name, Activity Type, Summary, Due Date, and Assigned to columns on All Activity / My Activity Page.
4.Clicking on the setting icon, you can see the Export All and Dashboard options where you can export your record file and you can add activity to the dashboard.
5.The Filters, Group By, and Favorites options include a number of sorting options to quickly and simply access the needed data.
6.You can change the platform’s display into a Kanban, List, Calendar, Pivot, Graph, and Map.
Now we see how to add an ‘Activity Tag‘ by clicking on the Activity option.
The Activity tag menu makes it simple to set tags for Activities. Here, you can view the tags that have previously been set up for Activities. The Tag Name and Color will be displayed.
To make a new tag, click the New button. Enter Tag Name and Choose a tag color for quick identification, then press the Save button.